Why do people leave a church? It’s their own fault of course!!

This was written four years ago, but it is a point to make and to be considered that is timeless…

Enough Light

An article by Thom Rainer has really set me off. I’ve been walking around my house tense and muttering. My dog wonders what is wrong with me. Here is the article: The Main Reason People Leave a Church.  Grrrr… Where to start? I am angry.

In a way, I have already thoroughly responded to this article! See my post: Does your church make people jump through hoops? Stop it!.  And this article by another blogger expands on my post with some analysis: My wish for the contemporary Evangelical church.

Essentially Thom Rainer is saying that the reason people leave a church…is their own fault! Isn’t the point of an exit interview to listen and learn? And not to just “go on the defense” and place all the blame on the leaver?

Certainly there can be demanding people out there with unrealistic expectations – I do agree…

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